How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election

ByMalcolm Nance

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good account of the hacking of the USA election and the manipulation of it uninformed citizens. This should be a wake up call for all in the USA to become more involved with our political process and understand how the media (all of the media from FOX and CNN to NPR) parses the news. It should say to all of us verify your sources and consider many sources. Look at the media sources that you don't necessarily agree with. Look at sources that maybe contrary to what you believe. Evaluated it, think for yourself and recheck your thinking.
We all will be paying the price for this last election for many many years to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel crabtree
Malcolm Nance, a former Navy cryptologist and expert on terrorism, makes the case that Russia hacked the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Donald Trump, whose election Russia's President Vladimir Putin saw as the fastest way to destabilize the United States, damage its economy as well as fracture the UN and NATO.
Well after the October 2016 publication of The Plot to Hack America, the Director of National Intelligence would release an unclassified summary of its inquiry that reached much the same conclusions Nance did.
From reading the book, it seems likely that Nance had access to secret material that was circulating around the intelligence community about Trump's ties to the Kremlin. Consider this sentence:
"No one has ever publicly accused Donald Trump of being susceptible to coercion," Nance writes, "but there is the possibility of being personally compromised or finding oneself in a compromising position at, let’s say, a beauty pageant, in a nation where the intelligence service routinely uses beautiful women as sexual traps."
Remember this book was published in October 2016. As we now know, this sensational charge had been made by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele's in his infamous "Golden Showers" memo that described an alleged sex party Trump attended during his stay in Moscow in 2013 for the Miss Universe pageant. The memos, which had been circulating around Washington for months, were not revealed until January of 2017. Trump has called them "fake news."
The most remarkable section of the book, however, is Chapter 5 in which he describes a Russian "Information Warfare Management Cell" that he believes carried out the 2016 U.S. Election hack. This secret IMWC team would be staffed by five or six of the most trusted members of the FSB (Russia's Federal Security Service), and overseen by a top official in the SCISR, Russia's version of the National Security Agency. Only Putin, his chief of staff, and the director of the SVR, Russia's foreign intelligence service would know the desired outcome of this mission. There is even more detail about how this secret IWMC was organized.
It's possible that Nance reached these conclusions on his own. It is also possible, however, is that Nance was writing with the assuredness and insight of someone with inside information, and this section may very well mirror the still-secret conclusions of the U.S. intelligence community's assessment of the 2016 Election hack.
The Plot to Hack America also gives us a brief history of the Russian intelligence services, revealing Vladimir Putin's fondness for the use of technological means, and how Donald Trump could easily have been manipulated by the Kremlin without his even realizing it. KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov makes clear that "ego-centric people who lack moral principles who are too greedy or suffer from exaggerated self-importance" are precisely the kinds of people Russian spies find easiest to recruit.
Anyone could have fashioned a book out of the legion of news reports and network analyses of the unprecedented and disturbing Russian cyber attack on the 2016 U.S. Election and the ties between the Kremlin and Donald Trump and his inner circle. But this is more than a timeline Malcolm Nance takes us one step further and explains how this happened and equally important, what Russia's goals were.
"To Putin, the best of all possible worlds would be an economically crippled America, withdrawn from military adventurism and NATO, and with leadership friendly to Russia," Nance writes.
With the election of Donald Trump, that may be exactly what he gets.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda raab
A well written narrative by a former CIA agent that breaks down step by step how Russia is influencing our political system, on an ongoing and systematic basis.

A must read for those who doubt that the Bear is on the prowl, and intent on influencing everything about our lives, and how we chose our leaders, and the policies that shape our lives.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elliott garber
I was impressed with Malcolm Nance when he appeared on cable news as a contributor. His background is stellar, so what he has to say is very credible. I find it fascinating how the people in the intelligence field think and analyze the hacking situations. I bought the book because I am trying to make sense of what is happening in our country, and Malcolm is a good writer and puts the puzzle pieces together in a way I can understand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author, a Navy veteran of the National Security Agency, lays out the clear manipulation the Russian Federation and spymaster Vladimir Putin employed to manipulate the 2016 election. It is a numbingly terrifying narrative, and only runs up to October 2016. The events unfolding even now further underscore the gravity of foreign interference in an American election.

Fun fact: Malcolm Nance was a division petty officer for Montel Williams during the talk show host's service as a Navy cryptologic officer at Fort Meade, MD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david berardelli
This is a brilliant, detailed account of the Russian hacking of our elections - written two months prior to the election by an "intelligence, counterterrorism, and national security lifer". Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob sica
This book details how Russia actually worked to successfully interfere with the 2016 elections. After reading what the Russians did it makes me want do something to seriously punish their country. It also makes me highly suspicious of the Trump administration.

Every congressman and senator should be required to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shannon ralph
The author, a Navy veteran of the National Security Agency, lays out the clear manipulation the Russian Federation and spymaster Vladimir Putin employed to manipulate the 2016 election. It is a numbingly terrifying narrative, and only runs up to October 2016. The events unfolding even now further underscore the gravity of foreign interference in an American election.

Fun fact: Malcolm Nance was a division petty officer for Montel Williams during the talk show host's service as a Navy cryptologic officer at Fort Meade, MD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dina wilson
This is a brilliant, detailed account of the Russian hacking of our elections - written two months prior to the election by an "intelligence, counterterrorism, and national security lifer". Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book details how Russia actually worked to successfully interfere with the 2016 elections. After reading what the Russians did it makes me want do something to seriously punish their country. It also makes me highly suspicious of the Trump administration.

Every congressman and senator should be required to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather renfroe
A must read and very important book. Malcolm Nance explains the who why, where and how of the cyberattacks to influence the 2016 election. DON'T believe the negative reviews...they could not have read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is a good detail read. It follows motive and money and connects some dots. Although some are willing to ignore and call propaganda to everything or fake news, it seem incumbent upon American citizens who truly care about this country to find and research on our own what is happening. Malcolm Nance certainly has the experience so it makes it more substaintial. The critical thing is to use the mind (yours) to work out logic and reason in these times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Startling. It's a sinking feeling, discovering through the trained lens and experienced/sharpened eyes of Malcolm Nance how American democracy was attacked.

Clearly outlined by an expert who knows his trade.
It's not surprising to see the impeachment movement gaining steam whether the "asset" understands
and acknowledges the forces that elevated him to the people's house or not.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I always enjoy listening to Malcolm Nance when he is on MSNBC. He has a ton of inside knowledge, never pulls his punches, and has many years of dedicated service to America.

Reading this book was a lot like hearing Nance talk. It honestly was like a gripping spy novel, and in light of subsequent events, shockingly prescient.

My only reason for giving it four stars instead of five, is that I thought the book badly needed better copyediting. There were countless instances of missing commas, apostrophes, and hyphens. I don't know whether these were Nance's errors or happened after he passed the text along to someone else.

In any case, I'm very grateful for Malcolm Nance, his unique perspective, and the benefit of his insider's view regarding this and related subjects during this frightening time in our country's history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew conley
Mr. Nance gives great insight into a terrible international political/cyber situation. This knowledge prepares us all for potential future cyber attacks. The book is easy to read and understand and gives us insider details of this unfortunate reality.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanne catherine
Because of my experience in the military working for an Admiral during the Korean War, I could feelthe connection of Trump being used by Putin long before reading this amazing journal by a person (Vance) who lived the life of undercover. Best book on this subject. My opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie h
I believe this book was the contingency plan to the dossier getting deep six'ed - Everything laid out as It happened real-time. A true patriot in Nance, can't say that for Republicans who ushered in the biggest security risk in American history, all for GREED and their mother Russia
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book. I love following Malcolm Nance on MSNBC. I have been following the Russian involvement in our democracy since August 2015. The American People deserve the truth about Russia's involvement in our election and into hacking of Yahoo and many businesses.
Please cancel advertising with the fake news Breitbart News. Fake News damages our Democratic Republic. I may have to boycott the store, if they do not cut ties with Breitbart News.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie goss
Malcolm Nance made a very complicated system understandable and he kept my interest. He projected the outcome of the intelligence and counter-intelligence activities accurately. His book was published in October of 2016 and most of what he delineated has come to pass. Malcolm is thorough and honest and prescient. Anyone interested in the future of the "free world" and cyber security should read this book. We need to prepare ourselves for attacks from outside and inside of our country. This information helps in that endeavor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy shields
this book gave a good detailed introduction to the cyberwarfare capabilities of Russia, and what they are willing to do with those capabilities. The author explains technical ideas well, and anyone can easily follow, IMO. Regardless of who you voted for, this book should be read to help explain the new state of the world/ internet we live in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nance nailed this Hack and I think this book should be read by every American and perhaps all world governments intelligence. This book should be required reading buy all Cyber security professionals.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helena echlin
The subject matter in this book is quite compelling. The writer was able to explain the events in an easy understandable manner. I'm a very busy person but, I have managed to read a complete chapter every time I pick this book up. The most interesting aspect of this narrative is that the events occurred a few years, months or days ago. The fallout of actions taken my Russian operatives or their cutouts are America's reality today..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna wise
Malcolm Nance is obviously a seasoned intelligence professional with considerable practical experience. Much of the informed speculation that Nance provides turns out to be spot on in light of information that has come to light after the publication of his book. For anyone who wants a clear-eyed view of the cyber operations of Putin's Russia and the ultimate dangers to our democracy they pose, this book is a must-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom mcferran
Published before the 2016 election, it turned out to be prescient and even more important with Trump's surprise win. A perspective from an intelligence professional of Trump and his inner circle's ties to Russia, Putin's history and the Russian interference in the election and how it all fits together. This is the inside story of the unprecedented attempt by a hostile foreign power to subvert a Presidential election. Sadly, those who most need to read it--Trump's supporters--won't. Like Trump, all that matters to them is "winning" at any price.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen kemp
Have not completed this excellent , literate work . Not quite as much detail as you might expect coming from this man who frequents MSNBC as the expert he is but here we have a nice "hybrid " of pool muse and must have reference !
If any of you out there say , "hell, they all do it" [american - Russian Intel games] just read even the introduction here.
If there IS some truth to that , things have gotten worse since 2016!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Although there was a lot of technical computer talk which I don't understand at all, it was nicely balanced with just pure facts about what happened during thr 2016 campaign and election in the United States and Russia. It was explained in such a way that made me furious for the United States to have been manipulated and used in the way it was. I would blow Putin and Russia off the map if I were able! To me, it totally implicated Donald Trump in the Russian machinations that caused Hillary Clinton to lose the election (even after winning a clear majority of the popular vote). I'm sure Trumpettes will not believe the information in this book, but that is to their peril, as history is showing us now, with trump as the president. Our Congress must take steps, MUST take steps, to ensure via proper legislation and oversight, that a travesty of this magnitude never happens again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alan moore
In depth. A tedious read. A computer geek will love it. I just wanted to know the basics of what happened. Too much detail. Could not get thru it. Found myself skipping large sections to get the bigger picture. Seems Russia did just what any rival country would do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
crystal gosberg
When I see hacking operations in movies and TV shows, I tend to think of them as futuristic fictionalized depictions. However, this author makes it plain these kinds of operations and capabilities are very real. The Russian meddling in the 2016 political campaign is alarming.
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